European democracy

40. Proposal: Subsidiarity

  • 40.1) Active subsidiarity and multilevel governance are key principles and fundamental features for the EU functioning and democratic accountability;

    There are currently no implementing initiatives that address this particular CoFE measure.

  • 40.2) The EU should review the mechanism allowing national Parliaments to assess whether new legislative proposals at the European level do not intrude on their legal competences and to be granted the possibility to suggest a legislative initiative to the European level. Such mechanisms should also be enlarged to all regional parliaments within the EU that have legislative power;

    * This measure has been identified as needing Treaty change for full implementation.

    There are currently no implementing initiatives that address this particular CoFE measure.

  • 40.3) Reform the Committee of Regions to encompass adequate channels of dialogue for regions as well as cities and municipalities, giving it an enhanced role in the institutional architecture, if matters with a territorial impact are concerned;

    * This measure has been identified as needing Treaty change for full implementation.

    There are currently no implementing initiatives that address this particular CoFE measure.

  • 40.4) Systematic use of a subsidiarity definition commonly agreed by all EU institutions could help to clarify whether decisions have to be taken at European, national or regional level.

    There are currently no implementing initiatives that address this particular CoFE measure.

  • 40.5) Social partners and organised civil society should be better included in the decision making process, given their importance in the European democratic life. A lively society is crucial for the democratic life of the European Union.

    There are currently no implementing initiatives that address this particular CoFE measure.