European democracy

39. Proposal: EU decision making process

Objective: Improve the EU’s decision-making process in order to ensure the EU’s capability to act, while taking into account the interests of all Member States and guaranteeing a transparent and understandable process for the citizens, in particular by:

  • 39.1) Reassessing decision-making and voting rules in the EU institutions, focusing on the issue of unanimous voting, which makes it very difficult to reach agreement, while ensuring a fair calculation of voting 'weights' so that small countries' interests are protected; All issues decided by way of unanimity should be decided by way of a qualified majority. The only exceptions should be the admission of new membership to the EU and changes to the fundamental principles of the EU as stated in Art. 2 TEU and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.

    * This measure has been identified as needing Treaty change for full implementation.

    There are currently no implementing initiatives that address this particular CoFE measure.

  • 39.2) Ensuring transparency of decision-making by allowing independent citizens' observers to closely follow the decision-making process, guaranteeing broader right of access to documents, and develop on this basis stronger links and an enhanced dialogue between citizens and the EU institutions; The EU needs to improve the transparency of its decision-making process and institutions. For instance, the meetings of the Council and the European Parliament, including its votes, should be broadcasted online in the same way. This would allow interested citizens to follow EU policy making, and hold politicians and policy makers accountable; the European Parliament's right of inquiry should be strengthened; EU decision-making process should be further developed so that national, regional, local representatives, social partners and organised civil society are more involved. Inter-parliamentary cooperation and dialogue should be strengthened. National parliaments should also be closer involved in the legislative procedure by the European Parliament, e.g. by way of participation in hearings. In addition, a better involvement of the subnational level and of the Committee of the Regions helps to take better into account the experiences gained with the implementation of EU law.

    There are currently no implementing initiatives that address this particular CoFE measure.

  • 39.3) Considering changing the names of EU institutions to clarify their functions and respective role in the EU decision-making process for citizens; The EU decision making process should be based on a clearer and more understandable structure, resembling national systems, explicitly reflecting the division of competences between the European institutions and the Member States; For example, the Council of the EU could be called the Senate of the EU and the European Commission could be called the Executive Commission of the EU.

    * This measure has been identified as needing Treaty change for full implementation.

    There are currently no implementing initiatives that address this particular CoFE measure.

  • 39.4) Enhance the European Union's delivery capacities in key important areas;

    There are currently no implementing initiatives that address this particular CoFE measure.

  • 39.5) Ensure proper civil and social dialogue mechanisms and processes at every step of the EU decision-making process, from impact assessment to policy design and implementation.

    There are currently no implementing initiatives that address this particular CoFE measure.

  • 39.6) Reform the way the European Union works by better involving social partners and organised civil society. Strengthening the existing structures in order to better reflect the needs and expectations of EU citizens in the decision-making process, given their importance in the European democratic life. Within this framework, enhance the institutional role of the EESC and empower it as facilitator and guarantor of participatory democracy activities like structured dialogue with civil society organisations and Citizens' panels. A lively civil society is crucial for the democratic life of the European Union.

    * This measure has been identified as needing Treaty change for full implementation.

    There are currently no implementing initiatives that address this particular CoFE measure.

  • 39.7) Reopening the discussion about the constitution, where applicable, to help us align better on our values. A constitution may help to be more precise as well as involve citizens and agree on the rules of the decision-making process;

    * This measure has been identified as needing Treaty change for full implementation.

    There are currently no implementing initiatives that address this particular CoFE measure.