A stronger economy, social justice and jobs
13.Proposal: Inclusive Labour Markets
Measure 13(1) - Ensuring Statutory Minimum Wages
13.1) Ensuring that statutory minimum wages guarantee that each worker can earn a decent and similar quality of living across all Member States. Clear criteria (e.g. living costs , inflation, above the poverty line, the average and median wage at national level) to be taken into account when setting minimum wages level should be set up. The levels of statutory minimum wages should be regularly reviewed in light of these criteria in order to ensure their adequacy. Special attention should be put on effective implementation of these rules and monitoring and tracking improvement in the standard of living. At the same time, collective bargaining should be strengthened and promoted throughout the EU; (ECP1 & 30; DE 4.2; online platform).
Measure 13(2) - Enforcing Working Time Directive
13.2) Taking stock and more strongly enforcing the implementation of the Working Time Directive (Directive 2003/88/EC) and other relevant legislation that ensures healthy work life balance while looking at new national policies in this domain; (ECP2)
Measure 13(3) - Regulating 'Smart Working' and Right to Disconnect
13.3) Introducing or reinforcing existing legislation that regulates so-called 'smart working' and incentivising companies to promote it. (ECP 7) The EU should ensure the right to disconnect, do more to address the digital divide at the workplace and assess the implications of remote work on health, working time and companies performance. There is a need to guarantee fair digitalisation based on human rights, improved working conditions and collective bargaining; (discussions).
Measure 13(4) - Integrated Employment Policies
13.4) Having integrated employment policies at an EU level where active labour market policies remain central and increasingly coordinated (IT 6.2) while Member States focus on continuing their reform efforts to create favourable conditions for quality job creation. (discussions)
Measure 13(5) - Protecting Social Rights *
13.5) Taking steps to ensure that social rights are fully protected and safeguarded in case of conflict with economic freedoms including via the introduction of a social progress protocol in the Treaties. (online platform, discussions)
* This measure has been identified as needing Treaty change for full implementation.
Measure 13(6) - Ensuring Gender Equality
13.6) Ensuring gender equality, in line with 2020-2025 EU Gender Equality Strategy. The EU should continue measuring the gender equality through a gender equality index (i.e. attitudes, salary gap, employment, leadership, etc.), monitor the strategy yearly and be transparent with the achievements; and encourage the sharing of expertise and best practices and set up a possible direct citizen-feedback mechanism (e.g. an Ombudsperson). There is a need to address gender pay gap and introduce quotas in senior positions. There should be more support for women entrepreneurs in the business environment and women in STEM.
- Gender balance among non-executive directors of companies listed on stock exchanges
- Equal pay for equal work between men and women
- Social Economy Action Plan
- Horizon Europe eligibility criterion to have a Gender Equality Plan in place
- Women TechEU
- European Strategy for universities
- Strengthening the role and independence of equality bodies ('Equality Package')
- Social Economy Framework Conditions
- Establishment and functioning of European Works Councils
Measure 13(7) - Promoting Youth Employment
13.7) Promoting youth employment, for example through financial assistance for companies, but also by giving employers and workers additional support (NL 4) and support to young entrepreneurs and young self employed professionals for example through educational tools and courses (discussions);
Measure 13(8) - Promoting Employment of Disadvantaged Groups
13.8) Promoting employment of disadvantaged groups (NL 4), in particular among people with disabilities (online platform);
Measure 13(9) - Promoting Employment and Social Mobility and Life-long Learning
13.9) Promoting employment and social mobility and, therefore, to have a full chance of self-realisation and self-determination.(IT 5.a.4 & IT 6.1) There could be a long term strategy to ensure everyone in our societies has the right skills to find a job and bring their talents to fruition, in particular the young generation (discussions). It is important to invest in people's skills adapted to the changing labour market needs and promoting life-long learning through among others exchange programme at all stages of life and ensure the right to lifelong learning and the right to training. (FR 6; DE 4.1) To this end, there is a need to strengthen the cooperation between businesses, trade unions and vocational, education and training providers (discussions).
- Social Economy Framework Conditions
- European Strategy for universities
- Action Plan on integration and inclusion 2021-27
- ALMA (aim, learn, master, achieve)
- Social Economy Action Plan
- Horizon Europe programme, cluster 2 part for innovative research on democracy and governance
- Recommendations on individual learning accounts and micro-credentials
- European Year of Skills 2023
- ‘Europe on the Move’ – learning mobility opportunities for everyone
- Skills and Talent Mobility
- Skills and labour shortages in the EU: an action plan