43. Proposal: irregular migration (bis)
Objective: Apply common rules uniformly in all Member States on the first reception of migrants:
Measure 43(1) - Ensuring Safety and Health of Migrants
43.1) Developing EU-wide measures to guarantee the safety and health of all migrants, in particular pregnant women, children, unaccompanied minors and all vulnerable people (recommendations 10 and 38 and WG debate).
- Action Plan against smuggling
- Asylum and migration management
- Measures against transport operators that facilitate or engage in trafficking in persons or smuggling of migrants in relation to illegal entry into the territory of the European Union
- Reception Conditions Directive (recast)
- Preventing and combating trafficking in human beings and protecting its victims
Measure 43(2) - Increasing Support for Local Authorities for First Reception Management
43.2) Increasing EU financial, logistical and operational support, also for local authorities, regional governments and civil society organisations, for the management of the first reception which would lead to a possible integration of refugees and regular migrants in the EU or repatriation of irregular migrants (recommendation 35 and WG debate).