
Measure by Measure

Here you can find the relevant implementing initiatives that relate to each of the Conference measures. Within each of the nine CoFE topics, you have the option to choose a specific measure and explore the corresponding initiatives at the EU level.

Currently, more than three-quarters of the CoFE measures have been addressed by implementing initiatives. This means that for those measures concerned, there is one or more initiative(s) that fully or partially follow up on the measure.

The implementing initiatives in question may be legislative or non-legislative in nature. As to their status, many will have been completed, while some are still in progress. When no implementing initiative has been identified yet, this will also be indicated. Each implementing initiative is linked to a webpage, providing additional information on the initiative and the associated procedure.

A number of CoFE measures will require Treaty revision for their full implementation; these have been marked by an asterisk in the list. More information on a revision of the Treaties and Parliament's call for changes can be found on the dedicated Treaty Change page.

Press releases on key implementation initiatives related to the CoFE proposals and measures can be found on the Press releases page.

To start browsing through the COFE measures and their corresponding implementing initiatives, you can click on any of the topics below or select a topic in the drop down menu above.