Sprememba Pogodb EU

Tukaj najdete novice in informacije o morebitni spremembi Pogodb EU v prihodnje

Evropski parlament je po Konferenci o prihodnosti Evrope in glede na izražena pričakovanja državljanov pripravil konkretne predloge in Evropski svet pozval, naj začne postopek za spremembo Pogodb EU.

22-11-2023 - Following the Conference on the Future of Europe and in the context of unprecedented challenges and multiple crises, MEPs put forward proposals to change the EU.

EU enlargement and reform: MEPs call for bold decisions

29-02-2024 - The EU needs a long-term political vision and institutional and financial reforms to ensure its capacity to absorb new members, MEPs say in a report adopted on Thursday

Future of the EU: the Union is running out of time, lead MEPs say

14-12-2023 - On Thursday the co-rapporteurs of Parliament's proposals for the revision of the EU's cornerstone legal documents issued the following statement.

Parlament začel proces za spremembo Pogodb EU

09-06-2022 - Parlament je v četrtek sprejel resolucijo, v kateri je pozval Evropski svet, naj se dogovori o začetku postopka za revizijo Pogodb EU.