Digital Transformation
34. Proposal: Safe and trustworthy digital society – data protection
Measure 34(1) - Improving Effectiveness of Data Protection Rules (GDPR)
34.1) Better explaining data protection rules (GDPR), increasing transparency and improving communication by creating guidance on informed consent texts that use simple and clear language understandable by everyone, including more visual ways to provide consent to data use, accompanied by an information campaign and ensuring needed skills for those processing data and advising those who need assistance; (ECP1 recommendation number 42, 45 and Dutch NCP 2)
Measure 34(2) - Enforcing Prohibition of Default Consent
34.2) Ensuring that the existing prohibition of default consent on re-use or reselling of data is applied; (ECP1 recommendation number 42)
Measure 34(3) - Timely Handling of Data Deletion Requests
34.3) Ensuring that requests of users for permanent data deletion are followed up on in a specific timeframe; (ECP1 recommendation number 42)
Measure 34(4) - Providing Clear Information on Data Use
34.4) Providing clear and as short as possible information to users on how and by whom data will be used; (ECP1 recommendation number 42)
There are currently no implementing initiatives that address this particular CoFE measure. -
Measure 34(5) - Ensuring Compliance of Non-European Companies on Data Protection
34.5) Ensuring compliance of non-European companies with European data protection rules; (ECP1 recommendation number 42 and 43)
There are currently no implementing initiatives that address this particular CoFE measure. -
Measure 34(6) - Encouraging EU Certification for GDPR Compliance
34.6) Encouraging a certification system at EU level that reflects compliance with GDPR in an accessible, clear and simple way, and visible on websites and platforms and should be issued by an independent certifier at European level. It should not create disproportionate burdens for small and medium sized companies; (ECP1 recommendation number 44, WG debate)
There are currently no implementing initiatives that address this particular CoFE measure. -
Measure 34(7) - Efficient Handling of Opt-Out and Consent Issues
34.7) Ensure that citizens are efficiently and swiftly helped when encountering issues with opt outs or revoking consent. To this end intrusive behavior needs to be better defined and guidelines and mechanisms for opt out and revoking data and to identify and sanction fraudsters should be developed at European level; (ECP1 recommendation number 43, and WG debate)
Measure 34(8) - Imposing Sanctions for GDPR Violations
34.8) Providing for sanctions including a fine proportional to the companies' turnover and limitations of companies' operations, such as imposing temporary or definitive bans on unwanted data processing and supporting its enforcement by the European Data Protection Supervisor and national agencies. (ECP1 recommendation number 42, 43, and WG debate)
There are currently no implementing initiatives that address this particular CoFE measure.