Values and rights, rule of law, security
29. Proposal: Anti-discrimination, Equality and Quality of life
Measure 29(1) - Developing Quality of Life Indicators -
29.1) In consultation with experts and social partners, developing transparent quality of life indicators including economic, social and rule of law criteria , in order to establish a clear and realistic timeline for raising social standards and achieving a common EU socio-economic structure, including through implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights. These should be integrated in the economic governance framework and the European semester process;
Measure 29(2) - Facilitating Public Investment in Key Areas, such as Education, Housing, Health.
29.2) Increasing and facilitating direct public investment in education, health, housing, physical infrastructures, care for the elderly and people with disabilities. Additional investment should also aim to guarantee appropriate work/life balance for citizens.Such investment should be carried out in a fully transparent manner, allowing to track the entire process;
Measure 29(3) - Combatting Tax Havens and Tax Evasion to increase public investment
29.3) Encouraging taxing large corporations, fighting access to tax havens and eliminating their existence in the EU with a view to increasing public investment in priority areas such as education (scholarships, Erasmus) and research. EU-wide fight against tax evasion should be also a way to raise funds for publically financed initiatives;
Measure 29(4) - Establishing EU-wide Anti-discrimination Criteria
29.4) Providing EU-wide criteria on anti discrimination in the labour market and incentivizing the hiring by private companies of people that are usually most subject to discrimination (e.g. youth, elders, women, minorities), including through subsidies, and, as a second step, temporary quotas. Social partners should be closely associated in this regard. Discrimination outside the labour market should also be prevented by law, and equality promoted;
Measure 29(5) - Ensuring Affordable Kindergartens and Childcare *
29.5) Ensuring the creation and facilitation of affordable kindergartens, both public and in the private sector, and free childcare for those in need of it.
* This measure has been identified as needing Treaty change for full implementation.